Qiraat Competition 2022
Twin city Inter Medical Institutions Qiraat competition was held on 13th April 2022 at Isra University, Islamabad campus. Students from 9 universities participated and had to recite Surah Waqia, Ayaat 77 to 96. Muddassir Bashir of 2nd Semester BS Vision Sciences PIRS participated and was awarded the consolidation prize. He is an eloquent speaker and a source of pride for PIRS.

School Screening
In April 2022, PIRS in collaboration with a partner organization, Human Development Foundation (HDF), successfully screened 6195 school children in 12 public sector schools in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Students identified with uncorrected refractive errors were provided with detailed refraction and spectacles. Complicated cases were referred for further management. PIRS provided technical support and human resources while HDF provided logistics and spectacles to those who needed them.
Photograph below shows some happy faces from Islamabad Model School – Noon, Tarnol after receiving new spectacles!